What Folks Say

What folks say
What Folks Say

Helping People and Organizations

What folks say about the US Help4Hep

The following comments are from people helped by Help4Hep in the US. We are also seeking comments, feedback and input from our callers – please see the buttons below. In the meantime, here’s what we’re aiming for here in BC.

“Exceptionally knowledgeable. A great help.” Help‑4‑Hep caller

“You guys call me back and check on me. No one else is doing that.” Help‑4‑Hep caller

“You guys are the only people out there that I can call and reach out to. I am alone, and I don’t have anybody. It’s vital that I had an organisation like this when I need to reach out and talk to somebody. You are awesome. You guys call me back and check on me, and no one else is doing that. Also, you try your hardest to come up with something that can help me. I’m very pleased that you guys are there.”

“The helpline is really helping our clients at our county health department. We not only utilised the information that you provide inside the health department, we also take it out into the community. Our counsellors here are excited and very pleased with the information that is given. We have also been getting good feedback from our clients on how Help‑4‑Hep helpline is helping them. So please, keep up the good work and we’re excited to be connected and informed so we can help our community.”